Monday, May 16, 2016

CHARITY AUCTION THIS THURSDAY pics of the donated chairs

For those who dont know what Chairs for Charity is all about here is a brief explanation:
"Anyone" including bloggers, store owner, designs and the like who wanted to donate and be apart of the seasons festivities was invited to recreate a chair to be auctioned off with all proceeds going to the
The third annual Chairs for Charity is just days away now at The Passionate Home.
The silent auctioning actually starts Tuesday in store and runs until Thursday night.
Some of the chairs will be live auctioned and some are silent auctioned.
The live auction starts Thursday Night.
What is so special about this years chairs is the photo shoots each chair gets to partake in.
Steve Hayek Photography has taken each chair to a unique location to showcase them in a special way.
There is a total of 22 chairs donated this year. Here are 15 that STEVE photographed and
that you will be able to bid on locally here in Langley, British Columbia. Sorry to those
who dont live locally and have been asking if they can take part if the auction.
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All chairs are currently on display at The Passionate Home. 12 of the chairs will be available through
 silent auction bids. Bidding on these chairs opens on Tuesday, October 22nd at 1:00pm and closes on
 Thursday, October 24th at 7:00pm. People are invited into The Passionate Home during store hours
on those days to see if the chair they want is available through silent auction and to place their bids.
And look at these two adorable kids chairs ...
Each chair typically has an open bid of $50. You will receive a tax receipt for any amount you pay
 over that $50. This is for charity so please be generous and invite friends and family to the event.
Date: Thursday, October 24, 2013 Where: The Passionate Home20506 Fraser Hwy., Langley When: 6:30pm - 8:30pm
The top 10 chairs go on the live auction block at 7:15pm on Thursday, October 24th. Guests will enjoy beverages and treats from Frosting Cup Cakery.
Cant wait to see you all and the support from the community!

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