Ive received many messages asking for this next tutorial, so no more need to pass by these chairs.
Im going to show you how to get the back of this style chair upholstered.
We are going to start at the point after all the stripping and frame is already refinished.
I use a hand held, arm powered stapler with 1/4" staples.
I do have an electric stapler but because of the safety feature
it will not work with the tight ledge of this chair.
Here is a close up of the frame profile.
You can even see where the old staples were.
Start by shooting 3 staple in the top edge to start securing your fabric.
Figure out the best angle for your stapler to be used with your chair.
Here is a close up of where the staples are actually going into the frame.

The next place to attach your fabric is directly opposite of your first three staples,
down on the bottom edge.

Then across from each other.

Hold your fabric taught each time you shoot every staple in.
Once you have your 4 points of contact, simply go around attaching your fabric
with staples ever inch, continue to pull the fabric taught.
Once you are finished stapling, trim your fabric to 1/2 inch excess, I use small scissors cause
they are easier to work with in close corners.
Tip and turn your chair so everything you are doing is comfortable for your hands.
Make sure to pick a good work surface, I use my bed every time.
This overhang of fabric will simply be folded in and hidden inside of STEP II
You can bounce a coin off the fabric like a drum if done well.
Step II Filler and Front Fabric: