Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Talladega Time!

It finally time to head back to the Talladega Infield!!!!
This has been an event that I have been attending for about 8 years now, twice a year and I have never missed a NASCAR race at Talladega since the fist time I went.
I pull my camper up there and we stay in the infield and party for 4-5 days, it gets wild. There are about +60,000 fans in the infeild staying in everything from RVs, tents, and horse trailers. Lots of rednecks, lots of beer, lots of wild activities.
This year, we are going up on Wednesday and staying until Monday. We went on Wednesday last race and it was great getting their early. Usually I dont head up until Thursday though.
I cant wait but I have alot of work to do, getting the camper ready, buying the food, getting all of my friends beer and luggage in the camper, getting LOTS of ice, fixing some ruined cornhole bags, the list goes on and on........


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